Favorite Web Pages
- THE BLINDMAN'S BLUES FORUM: A comprehensive on-line forum on all matters Blue!
- THE BLUES TRAIL: A great resource for those interested in the historical roots of the blues. It's a non-commercial site covering blues history through the lives of some of its earliest performers! There's some great streamable music and interviews here!
- LOWELL FOLK FESTIVAL: This is the largest free folk festival in the US--and an easy drive from the Pioneer Valley. Check it out!
- DAVID POLLITT'S CIRCUMNAVIGATION BLOG: You may have heard my brother on the show. Here's his website chronicling the journey complete with some videos!
- DUST-to- DIGITAL : " A gold-standard reissue label! Although the folklorists lugging around tape recorders (and the performers carrying on ancient traditions) are worthy of much heralding, it's equally astounding how essential Lance Ledbetter's work at Dust-to-Digital has been to the preservation of traditional American folksong." --Amanda Petrusich, Pitchfork Media.